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Vintage Clothing Is SO In Right Now, So Get Thrifting

Are you one of those thrifty people who loves all things vintage? So do I! Vintage clothing items are all the rage right now and to own a piece is to own history, so why update your closet? Hop on the vintage trend train, choo choo🚆 You don't have to spend an arm and leg either when purchasing vintage and retro clothing. Check out my shop on Etsy! I'm constantly updating it with the newest vintage clothing I've acquired. Get it while it's hot!

Trying To Find My Spark

I haven't been blogging much because I haven't really had any inspiration to write something nor do I feel that spark I usually have . For my Odyssey articles, I have to write every week and I don't get tired of it and I always have something to write about, but when it comes to my blog, my creativity is gone.

Is it because I am my own boss? Maybe.

I'm hoping that something inspires me soon. I'm hoping I get my creativity back. I need that spark!

While I'm trying to figure everything out, you may check out my latest articles below :)





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