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Vintage Clothing Is SO In Right Now, So Get Thrifting

Are you one of those thrifty people who loves all things vintage? So do I! Vintage clothing items are all the rage right now and to own a piece is to own history, so why update your closet? Hop on the vintage trend train, choo choo🚆 You don't have to spend an arm and leg either when purchasing vintage and retro clothing. Check out my shop on Etsy! I'm constantly updating it with the newest vintage clothing I've acquired. Get it while it's hot!

Kelly Clarkson Poses With Baby On Redbook Magazine

Remember in 2002 when everything was awesome and Kelly Clarkson won American Idol? Yeah, I'm feeling a little nostalgic right now. Before I start shedding a tear, let's talk about how amazing the singer is and how beautiful she looks on the cover of Redbook Magazine with her baby River Rose. It's crazy to me how fast time has gone by. I was in elementary school furiously voting for Kelly to win and now I'm writing this blog about Clarkson, her marriage, and her beautiful baby.

In the article, Clarkson discusses motherhood. She's a stepmom to her husband's two children from a previous marriage. Now, they have an 8 month old named River Rose. The 33 year old also discusses married life and how she wants to make that a priority. She says that they always put each other first.

Amongst married life and having a baby, Kelly has been under scrutiny for her weight and the singer is firing back. In the magazine she says, "I don't obsess about my weight, which is probably one of the reasons why people have such a problem with it." YOU GO GIRL. Looking fab AND feeling confident.

If you want the full read, click HERE


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