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Vintage Clothing Is SO In Right Now, So Get Thrifting

Are you one of those thrifty people who loves all things vintage? So do I! Vintage clothing items are all the rage right now and to own a piece is to own history, so why update your closet? Hop on the vintage trend train, choo choo🚆 You don't have to spend an arm and leg either when purchasing vintage and retro clothing. Check out my shop on Etsy! I'm constantly updating it with the newest vintage clothing I've acquired. Get it while it's hot!

Brett Loewenstern Sings National Anthem For U.S. Ambassador In Israel

Credit: Brett's Facebook Page

Boca Raton, Florida's own Brett Loewenstern recently made a huge move to Israel and he is living the dream. This past Wednesday, he had the opportunity to perform for the United States Ambassador to Israel for his birthday at his home. He performed three songs and ultimately sang the American National Anthem in front of not only the ambassador, but for Bibi Netanyahu (Israel's Prime Minister), President Rivlin (President of Israel) and a full crowd of supporters and new fans.

This Berklee College of Music graduate seems to be paving the way to success since his move. He first fell in love with Israel when he went on the Birthright trip back in 2012 and he visited the country a few more times before deciding he was going to stay there permanently. If you are wondering why he looks familiar, it's because he is an American Idol Alumni. He auditioned for season 10 and won the hearts of the judges, including Jennifer Lopez.

Clearly, Brett has left an impression on the world already and he isn't done yet! So proud of all you are doing and your accomplishments!

Check out the performance below!


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