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Vintage Clothing Is SO In Right Now, So Get Thrifting

Are you one of those thrifty people who loves all things vintage? So do I! Vintage clothing items are all the rage right now and to own a piece is to own history, so why update your closet? Hop on the vintage trend train, choo choo🚆 You don't have to spend an arm and leg either when purchasing vintage and retro clothing. Check out my shop on Etsy! I'm constantly updating it with the newest vintage clothing I've acquired. Get it while it's hot!

Harry Styles ReKENDALLing Romance?

Credit: HarryEStlyesPH

We haven't seen much of Harry Styles lately and if you are as big of a fan as I am, you would understand how much I miss hearing his name. Well, lucky for us, Harry attended Kendall Jenner's 21st birthday AND went to a Kanye West concert. Sounds like he's had some week and I'm kind of jealous.

So, people are speculating if him and Kendall are back together or rekindling whatever fling they had in the past. I'm not sure if there's anything going on there or if it's strictly platonic, but it's nice that he was able to attend her birthday and celebrate.

Oh, and let's just appreciate his hair. It's growing out a little bit, but it's still short and he looks fantastic. The man could wear a potato sack over his head and still look amazing though.


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